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Chapter 5 Ariv's Book} Truth Of Beauty's Life

  • It's been two days and ChitraGandha was staying at Ariv house. She locked herself in the room where she woke up for the first time.
  • Ariv guided her about the bedroom and bathroom. She was comfortable around him but something was always clicking in her mind.
  • She wanted to know where she was? In which place or city? Was she far from her house or near to her parents? Thousands of questions were flowing in her brain.
  • She wanted to ask him but his deep bold voice sent chills to her spine. She was blind but she felt his intense gazes on her body whenever he came near to her but it was also true that He never crossed her personal space but his aura was too dominant for her liking.
  • She was thinking about her life. She thought again and again why her life changed so much?. She was living with a complete stranger and a boy. She rubbed her face in annoyance. She stood up from her bed but she bumped with the Wall, an actual wall.
  • She cried because her little last toe got twisted because of the bed frame. She sat down on the floor and cried while rubbing the toe until she got relaxed.
  • She didn't want to be a burden on him. She knew how her parents always said mean words to her. Her sister was a Lovable daughter to them but she wasn't simply because she was blind and Her blindness made them ashamed of ChitraGandha’s existence.
  • Ariv always came and gave her meals on time. He didn't talk much with her but asked about her how she was or if she needed anything and as usual she shook her head negatively.
  • Ariv had a strong dominating dark aura which made her nervous and she didn't dare to leave her room.
  • However, not for a second, she felt like a prisoner there.
  • But in these two days she always heard loud moaning and groaning voices in the middle of the night which made her wake up panicked from her sleep.
  • She felt disgusted about Ariv and his deeds. But she didn't open her mouth Infront of him whenever he came to see her. However She wanted to confront him but she didn't have any rights. She was an outsider who was living under his mercy at his house.
  • "ChitraGandha" .... ,, Ariv entered into her room and she jerkly sat down on the bed and quickly covered her body with a duvet.
  • Ariv saw her shivering lips and smiled widely at her reactions which showed how nervous, anxious and scared she was.
  • "Can't you knock first then enter into the room" .... ,, She said grumpily to him .
  • It wasn't new for Ariv to barge into her room. He always entered without knocking and she didn't like his ways of invading her privacy.
  • "You're staying in my bedroom and asking me to knock Huh? . Sorry but I can't do this" ... ,, Ariv said and She felt him smirking.
  • "Arrogant" ... ,, She murmured softly under her breath.
  • "Did you say anything ?" ... ,, He asked and She shook her head and looked straight where his voice was coming from.
  • "Why do you come ?" ... ,, She asked and sat properly on the bed.
  • "I want to ask you a few questions so give me a proper answer" .... ,, Ariv said and her brows furrowed deeply.
  • "Boss" ... ,, She heard another male voice and she covered herself more with the duvet.
  • "Hubir " ... ,, Ariv looked at his first in command . Ariv ordered him and Hibir entered the room.
  • "ChitraGandha" ... ,, Ariv called her.
  • "Please call me Gandha or Gannu. ChitraGandha sounds like an aunty" ... ,, She said and Ariv and Hubir both shared a playful look with each other.
  • Ariv cleared his throat and said, "oh okay so Gandha. I'm going to ask you something and want your truthful answers”.
  • ChitraGandha Nodded her head.
  • "Are you the real daughter of your parents ?" ... ,, He asked and ChitraGandha was shocked.
  • "What are you asking? Yes, they're my real parents. I know their behavior never showed that they're my real parents but actually they are and I am their second daughter" .... ,, She said calmly.
  • "Are you blind from birth ?" ... ,, Ariv asked and looked at the file which Hubir gave him when he entered into the room.
  • Ariv read each and every word of the file and started to shoot questions at her. He smiled when he got her truthful answers. Ariv looked at Hubir and Nodded his head. Hubir left them alone. Door shutting notice made her jump in fear.
  • "Don't worry, Hubir left" ... ,, Ariv said and she released her breath.
  • "N . N . No .. I was a normal girl with sight " ... ,, She murmured and closed her eyes.
  • Ariv was observing her every action.
  • "How did you become like this ?" ... ,, Ariv asked and again looked at the file.
  • She started trembling badly. Ariv didn't understand why she was behaving like this. He saw her mouth was wide open and eyes were closed. She was breathing through her mouth.
  • In a long strides he came near to her and scooped her in his arms. He rubbed her back and whispered "Breath", in her ears.
  • She closed her eyes and again he said, "Breath in and Breathe out".
  • Soon she started following his command. She took fifteen minutes to recover from the panic attack .
  • "Are you Okay, GANA ?" ... ,, Ariv asked and she nodded hesitantly.
  • Unknowingly Ariv gave her a new nickname ‘GANA’ , he didn't have knowledge about it and she too didn't pay any attention to his endearment either.
  • "Will you give me an answer ?" ... ,, He asked and she shook her head negatively.
  • Ariv tucked her back in bed and covered her body with a duvet . Ariv moved away from her but she held his wrist. He turned around and saw her and asked,"What?"
  • "I have questions too and want to ask you" ... ,, She said and Ariv cleared his throat and said , "Ask "
  • "How old are you ?" ... ,, She asked him.
  • "Why ?" ... ,, He ran his fingers in his thick gelled hair.
  • "Tell me" ... ,, She looked away from him.
  • "I'm 20 years old" ... ,, He replied and she nodded her head and murmured, "He is younger than me"
  • but Ariv heard her words and arched his eyebrows in amusement but hard luck She didn't see him.
  • "What do you do for a living ?" ... ,, She asked him again.
  • "Why? Are you interested in me?"... ,, Ariv asked teasingly but she rolled her eyes.
  • "I gave you truthful answers so I'm expecting the same from you Mr . KASHYAP" ... ,, She said and Ariv was staring at her face.
  • "I worked at a construction site" .... ,, He replied smoothly.
  • "Is this really your house ?" ... ,, She asked him.
  • "Yes , it's mine" ... ,, He told her the truth.
  • "Where am I ? I mean I'm in Delhi or somewhere else ?" ... ,, She was looking at her front.
  • "In Delhi" ... , He waved his hands front of her face as if he was trying to find out about her webs, lies and truths.
  • "Why did you want to kidnap my sister ?" ... , She asked and played with her fingers.
  • "Because Your sister has something which is mine" ... ,, He said in a cold tone.
  • "What did she do to you that you went so far to kidnap her from her wedding ?" ... ,, She asked and looked down immediately.
  • "She used me" ... ,, He voice was loud and full of anger.
  • "Means ?" ... ,, She was confused as she looked straight.
  • "She said She loved me" ... ,, He replied in a monotonous tone.
  • "Huh ? How is it possible? She has a boyfriend and she is pregnant with his baby that's why she ran away from the wedding" .... ,, She asked and tucked her hair strings back, behind her ear.
  • His gazes were at her.
  • He chuckled darkly and gripped her jaw with his hands. She shivered by his touch.
  • "I'm Her boyfriend and She isn't pregnant . At least the baby isn't MINE" ... ,, Ariv said harshly and She gasped.
  • "W . W . What Are you saying ?" ... ,, She murmured again.
  • "You're a fool. You know what your own parents made a fool of you. They helped your sister to run away from the wedding" ... ,, He said and her breath stuck in her throat.
  • "No wait, that wedding wasn't for her but it was for you from the beginning. That was not a wedding actually. They sell you to that man or say Bridegroom" .... ,, He said and laughed and moved away from her bed.
  • "And yeah Your sister ChitraLekha didn't run away with his boyfriend . Your Parents send her off to somewhere where she is safe and you .. You were a scapegoat for your parents" ... ,, He said and turned only to find her in tears .
  • She was clutching her neck tightly. Her eyes were bulging out and her breathing was fast and short.
  • She got another panic attack that day ..... In long strides, he moved closer to her And then he embraced her in his warm Masculine arms.
  • ….